Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorships for the Women In Tyler Luncheon are available.
- Platinum $700 donation: receive a table for 10, link on the Women in Tyler website as well as recognition in the event program.
- Gold $450 donation: receive five (5) tickets and recognition in the event program.
Silver $200 donation: receive two (2) tickets and recognition in the event program.
Sponsors & Donors
Platinum Level
- Austin Bank
- Cathy Shipp & Associates Realty, Inc
- City of Tyler
- Flowers Davis, P.L.L.C.
- Christus Mother Frances Health Care Systems
- Hispanic Professionals Association of Tyler
- Gallob Morgan Peddy, PC
- Southside Bank
- The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler
- WorkHub
Gold Level
- Literacy Council of Tyler
- Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins, and Mott LLP
- Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Silver Level
- The Goodson Firm, P.C.
- Scherel Carver
- ASAP Roofing
- Dawn Johnston
- A. E. Shull & Company
- Terri Sumpter
Door Prizes
- Christus Mother Francis
- Hawaiian Nail Bar
- McCalister's Deli of Tyler
- Hand and Stone
- The Message Spot
- Republic Icehouse Restaurant
Special Thanks
- Dan Velie and Glow Creative Media
- Kris Burton Photography
- George Faber, Music
- Jimmy Frater, for his patience and help
- H & R Productions for microphones
- MOSS Flower Shop
- Tim Mast & SPK/Visuals for video
- Novedades Luly
- (some scribble Terri wrote)